
Deichen mac don Daghdha dian

Incoming data

The catalogue entry for this text has not been published as yet. Until then, a selection of data is made available below.

A brief Irish poem (6 qq) about Deichen, son of the Dagda. Details of the story suggest a merging of two characters from Irish tradition: (1) Deichen in certain narrative developments of an Irish triad about the three things that constitute a blacksmith (originally from the Bretha nemed), two of which are associated with the Dagda and the Morrígan; and (2) the Meche or Meiche who is featured in the dinnshenchas of the river Barrow (in one version of this text, Meiche is identified as a son of the Morrígan and the Dagda; in another, at least of the Morrígan).

Manuscript witnesses
